The main objective:

• The main objective of the project is the improvement of the socio-economic state of Roma adults through IT education and development of digital skills and competences to enable the adult population and socially excluded people to start using electronic services available in their surroundings, and to become better included in their communities and societies.

The specific objectives are:

• To promote the capacity (knowledge and skills) of Roma adults in understanding and using digital equipment and eServices of various service providers;

• To develop an individual’s understanding of one’s own skills and opportunities for adult education and employment;

• To encourage and achieve a stronger and a more meaningful participation of the Roma in their communities and societies;

• To gain new skills, knowledge and networks in relation to matters related to the Roma, digital skills and adult education as well as on organizational practices for the consortium partners and relevant stakeholders;

• To identify through a baseline study the most required eServices, intensity of their usage, and the urgency for their usage in the partner countries;

• To develop a learning platform with an appropriate content for education of adults in usage of the eServices;

• To deliver one training for trainers who will later train the target groups locally for usage of most needed eServices;

• To deliver several trainings for the Roma by taking advantage of the new developed DIRA learning platform on use of eServices;

• To define common policy recommendations for improvement of providing eServices for responsible public or private institutions and organizations;

• To have a well-known project with a significant impact for various stakeholders


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