Project Timeline (October 2022 -August 2024)

Digital Inclusion for Roma Adults: Gaining Knowledge and Skills in eServices (DIRA) TIMELINE

WP1 Project management
DF monitors the overall implementation, impact, project administration and the budget execution.
A1 CoordinationThroughout the project
A2 Budget managementThroughout the project
A3 Communication with partnersThroughout the project
A4 MonitoringThroughout the project
A5 Reporting and evaluationThroughout the project
WP2 Baseline study
Coordinator: Udruzenje gradjana Djurdjevdan
A1 Developing baseline study12th October
A2 Implementing baseline study28th November
A3 Baseline analysis• National reports to the Serbian partner by: 5th December.
• Analysis of the collected data by mid- January 2023
• Final report will be submitted to the DF by January 16.
•The DF will have a week time to work on the report before sending it forward on January 23.
FIRST PROGRESS REPORT23rd January 2023 (reporting period: 1st September 2022 – 31st December 2022). This reporting shall include the financial statement for 2022 for which the reporting is 1st September 2022 – 31st December 2022.
WP3 Training
Coordinator: UKLO-FICT and Sumnal
A1 Developing DIRA learning platformM6-M12 (Feb2023 – August 2023)
A2 Developing learning content and training materialM6-M12 (Feb2023 – August 2023)
A3 Piloting DIRA learning platformM10-M12 (June 2023 – August 2023)
A4 Training of trainersM13 (Sept 2023) trainers from all the partner countries will be trained in North Macedonia for 3 days.
A5 Training of RomaM14 -M20 (Oct 2023- April 2024)
A6 National language trainingM14 and M17(Feb2023 & August 2023)
WP4 Communication, dissemination and impact
Coordinator: ROMNI APS
A1 NetworkingThroughout the project
A2 Dissemination of information about the projectThroughout the project
A3 Dissemination of DIRA learning platformM13-M24 ( Sept 2023 – August 2024)
A4 National roundtablesM22 (June 2024)
A5 International roundtableM24 (August 2024)
A6 Policy recommendationsM21 (May 2024)
A7 Transnational project meetingsScheduled for Sept 2022 (Finland online): Kickoff took place during October 2022 online, February 2023 (Serbia), September 2023 (North Macedonia), June 2024 (Italy online)
SECOND PROGRESS AND INTRIM REPORT15th September 2023 (reporting period: 1st January 2023 – 31st August 2023)
THIRD PROGRESS REPORT24th January 2024 (reporting period: 1st September 2023 – 31st December 2023). This reporting shall include the financial statement for 2023 for which the reporting is 1st January 2023 – 31st December 2023.
FOURTH FIRST PROGRESS REPORT15th May 2024 (reporting period: 1st January 2024 – 30th April 2024)
FIFTH AND FINLAL PROGRESS REPORT13th September 2024 (reporting period 1st May 2024 – 31st August 2024

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